Hotel Seamore Shirahama Key Terrace
Hotel Seamore Shirahama Key Terrace sits right on Wakayama’s seafront and just down the coast from the sparkling white sands of Shirahama Beach. Unwind in one of the hotel’s ocean-view rooms and relax with a dip in the natural hot springs. Book a table at one of the hotel’s five fine dining spots and enjoy exquisite local fare and a front row seat to a beautiful sunset.
- Area
- Shirahama, Kushimoto
- Category
- Onsen / Solace
- hotel
General Information
- Address
- 和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町1821
- Telephone Number
- +81-739-43-1000
- Website
* Facility information is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.